Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Psalm 70:4 Let God be magnified

July 16

Let God be magnified. — Psalm 70:4

Prayer:  “The Lord is great!” Psalm 70:4
Photo: Shutterstock
O GOD our Father, we earnestly desire in these brief moments, to give Thee thanks for all the blessings which enter into our lives, and enable us to come to Thee. According to Thy knowledge of us commune with us, and grant us comfort in sadness, guidance in our perplexities, strength for all duty, and preservation from all evil. If in anything--in thought, or word, or deed, we have grieved Thee, forgive us, for His sake Who gave Himself for us; and wherein we have failed, grant us sufficient grace that we may fail no more. May Thy Good Spirit make Thee so real to us this day, and reveal Thee to us as so consciously near, in all that lies before us, that when its hours shall have passed away forever, there may be left no saddening memory of failure. In all these things hear us, O Father, for others as well as for ourselves; especially for all who are dearest to us, whether close at hand or far away. May there come special blessing to them, even according to all their real need. We beseech Thee to guide and strengthen all who are fighting the good fight on behalf of righteousness, and have pity on all who seem to be content with evil. So do Thou now and ever hear and answer us, beyond all our thought and abide with us even to the uttermost, for our Savior’s sake. Amen.

Frank Ballard, D.D., M.A.,

Sheffield, England

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