Saturday, November 16, 2013

John 15:7 Ask what you will, and it shall be done unto thee

November 16

Ask what you will, and it shall be done unto thee. — John 15:7

Prayer: "Ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you" John 15:7
Photo: Irum Shahid
O GOD our Father, Thou hast watched us during the hours of sleep, and under the shadow of Thy wings we have rested in safety. Grant that now, when we awake, we may be still with Thee. May we walk with Thee and work with Thee through all the hours of the day, seeing Thee in all the life about us, and finding it our meat to do the will of Him who sent us, and to finish His work.
In the busiest moments, may we never quite lose sight of Thee, or slacken the hold of our souls upon the things that are eternal.
Defend us from all dangers, but above all from our own faults and weaknesses. Help us so to pass through this day that we shall cast no shade on other lives, but shall bring brightness into the world about us.
And when the day draws to an end, may we have the quiet joy of knowing that, by Thy grace, we have been able to win and to manifest something of that eternal life which is found in doing justly, with loving kindness, and walking humbly with God. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

William Pierson Merrill, D.D.,

New York City, New York

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