Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Psalm 21:13 So will we sing and praise Thy power

April 16

So will we sing and praise Thy power. — Psalm 21:13

Prayer: "we will sing and praise your might" Psalm 21:13
Photo: Jesse Schutt
OUR Divine Father, Who in holy love hast created and art sustaining us, Thy children, we invoke Thy gracious blessing upon us at the threshold of this day. Bless Thou us in our going out and our coming in. May our lives be precious in Thy sight. Fill our hearts with love, and our minds with all high and worthy purposes. In our vocations assist us to see the divinity of labor, the expansive power of sympathy, the eternal might of righteousness and integrity. May we do good to all men as we have opportunity.
Prompt us to the relief of suffering; fill us with pity for the needy; gird us with might to oppose the aggressions of evil men; supply unto us courage to bear adversity and pain. Establish Thou the labors of our hands and hearts upon us. Encourage us to defeat temptation. Bring us from toil to our firesides in tranquility, and bathe us with the peace which floweth like a river, even that which the world cannot supply.
Teach us how greatly to live and greatly to love, and at the evening time of life may there be light. In that hour may we be worthy to stand before Thee and before the Son of Man, in whose name we seek from Thee these benefits. Amen

Clarence M. Gallup, D.D.,

Providence, Rhode Island

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